
Showing posts from May, 2016

How to feel comfortable with yourself

    Truthfully, I've never been an achiever. I'm hardly what you call someone who has it all. I've never been the pretty one or the smart one, at least I've never heard that compliment till a couple of months ago. I'm not as outgoing as most people and it amazes me when I meet people who've achieved far more than I have. I'll admit, there are times when I feel small and insignificant compared to them. It's taking a while but I think I've found that little secret to being comfortable with yourself. I'll share it with you but first a little background about myself.      I'm not an overachiever, far from it. I'm not someone who scores A+'s and HDs (High Distinctions) regularly. I'm not athletic, neither am I extremely talented. I'm average and that can sometimes make you feel less than. Being average can be dull, you're good enough to do something decent but you don't necessary have that little something that makes you

I'm back!

    Contrary to popular belief, I'm not dead nor have I suffered from a concussion that altered my personality. I'm back and ready to start hopefully  committing to writing a blog again. I should probably address the big elephant in the room/post about why I decided to change blogs. Well, I wasn't exactly feeling the URL of my old blog anymore; I couldn't relate to it as much. So instead of changing it and leaving everyone hanging eventhough I sorta have been for a couple of months  I decided to keep the old blog, notify the old readers and move to this one. The old blog will be deleted since there's really nothing on there anymore and it'll be horrible of me to keep a URL that someone could use.      If you've been a long time reader of my old blogs then you remember how I designed my old blog. I left it pretty blank, mostly cause I never knew how to design it the way I wanted it to be and because I never had the time to focus on designing the blog. This