I'm back!

    Contrary to popular belief, I'm not dead nor have I suffered from a concussion that altered my personality. I'm back and ready to start hopefully committing to writing a blog again. I should probably address the big elephant in the room/post about why I decided to change blogs. Well, I wasn't exactly feeling the URL of my old blog anymore; I couldn't relate to it as much. So instead of changing it and leaving everyone hanging eventhough I sorta have been for a couple of months I decided to keep the old blog, notify the old readers and move to this one. The old blog will be deleted since there's really nothing on there anymore and it'll be horrible of me to keep a URL that someone could use.

     If you've been a long time reader of my old blogs then you remember how I designed my old blog. I left it pretty blank, mostly cause I never knew how to design it the way I wanted it to be and because I never had the time to focus on designing the blog. This time though, I've done a complete 180 degree change and so far I'm pretty satisfied. I must, however, state that you won't be able to find me on any other social media sites just yet, I've yet to figure that function out so bear with me on that.

     Now, I know it's been a long while since I've posted about anything but hey life gets to you sometimes. I'm gonna be honest, between balancing my studies, social life and sports I rarely gravitate towards writing anything lately. Apology over, lets just get back to updating you on what's going on in my life.

     So we made it to freaking 2016 and half the year is nearly gone. I know I'm usually known for my sentimentality and my long ass posts about how we made it but I think we should save it for another time. What I can say is that, 2016 has been one hell of a ride and boy has it been something else. I'm a lot happier now than I was at the beginning of the year so that's good.

     Currently I'm listening to a jazz playlist on Spotify and it's really fuelling my mood today. There's this Parisian cafe vibe going on here and I'm really loving it. It's so soothing and relaxing, so I'd like to thank a special someone who recommended this playlist to me. You know who you are so I'll leave it at that. Speaking of music, I've been introduced to a whole new style of music that's far from mainstream and I'm loving it. I'm not one who ventures out into the unknown when it comes to music, frankly I'll have to admit that I don't really listen to as much music as I should be. I guess that's why I've been loving Spotify, again I have to thank the same person for convincing me to get it.

      I'm starving right now and all I want is a nice bowl of soup with bread. A nice bowl of Vongole soup with bread would be fantastic but one can only dream of that at a time like this. Finals are near and I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't stressed out. You know you're really affected by it when your family tells you to calm down. So far though, when it comes to grades I've been doing quite alright. Achieving pretty good scores that I'm going to take pride in because I worked hard for it. All those late nights stressing over those assignments were well worth it. I have to admit that working hard and getting good results is a rewarding feeling.

     So in less than 30 minutes, I've made myself lunch. Soba noodles in fact. My infinite love of soba noodles is something even I can't explain. It's quick and easy to make plus it fills me up. It's also cause I'm way too lazy to whip up some eggs and make myself and omelette (did that yesterday), a girl's got stuff to do.


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