It Gets Better

        My results got released yesterday and I am ever thankful to be where I am in life today. Today I am a happier and stronger person than I was 3 years ago. I'm in a better place now and I'm extremely grateful. It's taken a lot of effort and a lot of ups and downs to get to where I am today.

       To anyone who feels like they're just not doing that great in life at all, believe me, life get's better. Life is hard, it's not designed to be easy but that's the beauty of life. You'll never get to enjoy the great moments in life if you've never been down before. So believe me when I tell you that life gets better. It won't get better in a day but it will get better eventually so hold on. Lot's of people are advocates of the term "It Gets Better" and they're right it does. 

        It's not easy. It takes consistent effort and strength to push yourself to be better. Some things will never change and sometimes the only way for things to get better is for you to change. You will never be in a better position in life if you keep hoping for things to change. They change because you change. I can guarantee you that it's hard and my goodness is it hard. There'll be times when you get kicked even when you're on the ground trying to pick up pieces of yourself. Sometimes you'll find that you're alone and that no one in the world would be able to really help you with your problems but that's okay. 

        The one thing that life has taught me is to find strength within myself and that's a lesson you'll have to teach yourself. It's hard but it's worth it because at the end of the day you are all you've got. Your family and friends may be there for you to help you but it's not their place to teach you how to be strong, it's yours. I can't tell you how to be strong because it's a lesson that only you can teach yourself but I can tell you that if all else fails never stop believing in yourself. You are all you've got and most times that's more than enough. You are strong and you are beautiful and if you do right by yourself and by others you will be fine.

     As usual, I hope you have a wonderful day and thank you for reading :)



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