Confessions of a flat chested girl

     I've longed struggled with this insecurity of mine, and I'll be the first to admit that having boobs barely count as boobs is hard. In a world where boobs are seen as a symbol of womanhood, I often feel like a child. You see unlike butts, there's nothing much you can honestly do to grow your boobs unless you opt for surgery.

      Growing up I used to think that my boobs would grow and that I'd eventually be fine with it. I'm nearly 20 and that insecurity has not faded as hard as I try to not be affected by it. It's not easy pushing these thoughts away, honestly it's constantly in my face whenever I shop for clothes. Clothes that look so pretty and flattering for my size but require a girl to either go braless or strapless. I've never had the privilege of being able to wear a backless dress without looking like a 12 year old trying too hard to fit in. So what do I do? Wear specific bras to hopefully amp up their appearance, avoid wearing the clothes I want to wear just because I can't. It's hard and sad fact that I have to face every single day of my life when I stare at myself in the mirror.

       Sure I know what you'll say, there's more to being a woman than boobs. True, but when every shop you go to tries selling you clothes that you will never be able to wear no matter what size you are, you face that hard fact repeatedly. It makes you feel small. It makes you feel like you are not good enough to wear theses clothes. It makes you feel like you aren't sexy enough to pull it off. It makes you feel like you're a child in an adult's world.

      "Some clothes look better on girls with small boobs. Don't worry about it" 

       But I do, you see I don't have nice boobs. They don't look like boobs and it's so easy for people to tell you to not worry. There's nothing empowering about not being able to wear a beautiful dress just because you lack the requirements needed to pull it off. You can work out to get the body you want, get a slim waist, a huge ass but you can never work out to get bigger boobs. I've tried a million ways to grow my boobs. Nothing works,

        So what do I do? I make jokes about it, I laugh it off. I literally confess it to the world that I don't have boobs. Does it help? Sometimes it does but there are times (like this time particularly) that I feel vulnerable and small.

        I've had my fair share of people taunting me about being flat chested and I have this to say to those who've taunted me about it, screw you. You have no idea what it feels like to not be flat chested and your comments are unnecessary. Telling me that I'm flat doesn't solve anything. Gasping at the fact that you don't feel anything isn't helpful to me. Do you honestly think that I'm not aware of my own flaws? Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to be called out on that or how it feels to have to brush off that comment and act like it didn't hurt at all? It hurts and if you prey on that feeling then you are an asshole that should reevaluate your values.

        Comments and jokes about a person not having a certain 'asset' hurts. So my advice to everyone is this, don't say it. You don't have to say it and if you want to say it then shut your mouth and sit down. Don't reduce a person to tears because you decided that it was something that was funny to mention. Don't be an asshole that makes someone feel conscious about their body. The world is fucked up enough and we don't need anymore of that bullshit hanging around.

        To those struggling with their bodies, I get it life can sometimes hit you hard. You may find yourself crying sometimes but just remember that these problems are trivial. For every flaw you have, you have other things to be proud about and don't let someone who can't see the beauty in you destroy your own worth. You are more than your looks and you are more than what people decide to see you as. Comments be damned. You are beautiful and you know your own worth even when the world doesn't.

        Now I'd like to draw your attention away from the post above to this video. It's helped me quite a fair bit when I feel insecure and so let's just take some time off to watch this.

       Once again, thank you for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day :)




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