Wisdom teeth and faulty laptops

Hello beautiful people from all over the world, I'm back! Yes I know, I've been missing for a few days but it's not without good reason (I'll explain later on).

     This whole week has been filled with dread honestly, I've had 2 of my wisdom teeth taken out and the experience I had this time was not as pleasant as my first. Since I removed one wisdom tooth from each side of my lower jaw, eating has been a problem. I'm on my 6th day of recovery and so far, I've been reduced to eating noodles and bread since I can't chew that well. Swelling has been a major issue as well, so I've been looking like a crossbreed between a chipmunk and a goldfish. PS, not the best combo in the world. The bright side to all of this is that I no longer have to worry about my teeth decaying from having food stuck between my teeth and that I've lost the unnecessary weight I gained during exam season. Now all I have to do is wait for me to fully recover to start exercising properly again.

     The same day I got my wisdom teeth removed, my laptop malfunctioned on me. The logic board crashed so I had to wait a couple of days for it to be repaired. It's all good now and I'm so glad that I have my baby back with me. Yes I call my laptop my baby so sue me I also had a nice visit from Aunt Flo and that's always welcomed. So aside from being in physical discomfort I was also stuck with being an emotional wreck. I've gone from tearing up to character's deaths to crying over "Can't Help Falling in Love". What a draining week. To add everything up, I now have a yellow bruise on the left side of my jaw.

       Aside from dying of boredom and discomfort, I've been catching up on videos and listening to music. Life has been pretty dull lately, sighhh

      Anyway, thank you for reading once again and I hope you have a pleasant day :)



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