Exam Stress and Facial Masks

     Aside from dealing with the stress of wanting to do well in exams. I've been pretty alright. It's a Friday night and while most students are partying their night away, I'm sitting at my desk with a sheet mask on my face. Fun fun. My books are right beside me and I'm doing everything in my power to not close them and head to bed. It's been one hell of a week and I'm still wondering where time went.

     Anyway I did a little shopping today and got a whole lot worth of stuff for the money I spent. I swear there's something extremely satisfying about getting more for what you paid for.. Mainly, a nice handkerchief, 8 sheet masks, and a 3 little samples of facial products. I know I know, it's not a whole whole lot but what can you expect when you pay less than 50 bucks on masks? I'm on a student budget here so sue me.

    If you ever want to invest in affordable facial masks that are made from natural ingredients then I'd highly suggest you pop by an Innisfree shop. I'm loving the fact that the masks are extremely affordable and have no parabens in them. Win win for me

     I hope you, dear reader, are having a great day today. Thank you for reading once again :)



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