Talented People

     It's almost midnight (no longer midnight since I'm posting this in the morning) where I'm at and all I want to do is sleep. But I can't, simply because there are things to do and I can't afford to sleep so early. Besides, I can go into deep hibernation once exams are over. I'm praying for the best. I've been feeling less than okay. Mainly because I think I'm not going to do well in my exams but that's really beside the point.

     I've been noticing that the people I'm surrounded with or rather people I know in my life are pretty damn talented and damn. Insecurities are flaring up like an annoying rash. Talented people are really amazing in my eyes and there are plenty of them out there. I think the best part about talented people is their passion for it and you can plainly see it. It's a beautiful thing to see first hand. For example, those who love music tend to always be doing something with music like playing the guitar or singing. Those who love drawing tend to be doodling in class and I especially love looking at the doodles drawn by artists.

     But in any case, nothing great comes without practice. Lately, there have been posts all over the internet comparing an artists work years ago with their work now. It shows a hell lot of how persistency and discipline bring evident improvement to your talent. It's really admirable cause lemme tell you something, it is not easy to be persistent with things especially when you have other responsibilities.

     Anywayy.. I should probably head back to my papers.. Once again, thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day ahead of you :)



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