
Showing posts from 2016

Late night thoughts

      Over the past week I've been catching up with friends I haven't seen in a while and it's been so wonderful meeting familiar faces again. I guess the common theme of emotions that ran through the back of my head was the feeling of nostalgia. How time passes so quickly yet so slowly at the same time and how much my friends and I have grown over the years. No longer are we teens venturing into a new world far different from high school but young adults navigating their way through life's adventures.       In all honesty, I can't believe we've grown so much in over a year and it feels odd yet extremely satisfying to now consider myself an 'adult'. PS. being an adult isn't all fun and games like we thought it was, kids growing up is a lie  Growing up is tough, the process itself can be emotionally scarring but at the end of the day I'm grateful to be who I am today. I'd like to thank my family and friends for supporting me through my tough

It Gets Better

        My results got released yesterday and I am ever thankful to be where I am in life today. Today I am a happier and stronger person than I was 3 years ago. I'm in a better place now and I'm extremely grateful. It's taken a lot of effort and a lot of ups and downs to get to where I am today.        To anyone who feels like they're just not doing that great in life at all, believe me, life get's better. Life is hard, it's not designed to be easy but that's the beauty of life. You'll never get to enjoy the great moments in life if you've never been down before. So believe me when I tell you that life gets better. It won't get better in a day but it will get better eventually so hold on. Lot's of people are advocates of the term "It Gets Better" and they're right it does.          It's not easy. It takes consistent effort and strength to push yourself to be better. Some things will never change and sometimes the onl

Wisdom teeth and faulty laptops

Hello beautiful people from all over the world, I'm back! Yes I know, I've been missing for a few days but it's not without good reason (I'll explain later on).      This whole week has been filled with dread honestly, I've had 2 of my wisdom teeth taken out and the experience I had this time was not as pleasant as my first. Since I removed one wisdom tooth from each side of my lower jaw, eating has been a problem. I'm on my 6th day of recovery and so far, I've been reduced to eating noodles and bread since I can't chew that well. Swelling has been a major issue as well, so I've been looking like a crossbreed between a chipmunk and a goldfish. PS, not the best combo in the world. The bright side to all of this is that I no longer have to worry about my teeth decaying from having food stuck between my teeth and that I've lost the unnecessary weight I gained during exam season. Now all I have to do is wait for me to fully recover to start exercis

Confessions of a flat chested girl

     I've longed struggled with this insecurity of mine, and I'll be the first to admit that having boobs barely count as boobs is hard. In a world where boobs are seen as a symbol of womanhood, I often feel like a child. You see unlike butts, there's nothing much you can honestly do to grow your boobs unless you opt for surgery.       Growing up I used to think that my boobs would grow and that I'd eventually be fine with it. I'm nearly 20 and that insecurity has not faded as hard as I try to not be affected by it. It's not easy pushing these thoughts away, honestly it's constantly in my face whenever I shop for clothes. Clothes that look so pretty and flattering for my size but require a girl to either go braless or strapless. I've never had the privilege of being able to wear a backless dress without looking like a 12 year old trying too hard to fit in. So what do I do? Wear specific bras to hopefully amp up their appearance, avoid wearing the cloth

Things to do during a break

     Exams are over so here come endless (5 Weeks)  days of sleeping late and waking up late. Days of no homework and studying and they'll most probably be the most wonderful days of my life. Now the above situation is what I'd generally tell myself every time I'm on a break but I'd usually end up rotting away in my room. A potato's gotta do what a potato's gotta do, even if that means being part potato and pig.  This time though, I'm gonna use these few weeks to really achieve some goals before I start a new semester. So here a few things I'm gonna do during my holiday that you can try with me. 1. Get Fit      This is the number 1 thing that everyone tells themselves that they'll do during the holiday but never happens; myself included. Here's the thing, the trick to getting fit is to be specific with your goals. I typically don't measure how fit I am based on the amount of weight I've lost. Usually, I set a specific routine to comp

How to brighten up your day

     Most of you may know, my moods haven't been that great lately. I blame stress and PMS (pre, present and post). Honestly, feeling sucky is a horrible feeling. It gets worse with every passing day and nothing seemed to be cheering me up. I'd get super grumpy then I'd get moody then I'd get stressed and then all that I've been feeling accumulates into this big ball of negativity which, lemme tell you, makes you feel more like crap than you already do. But today, I decided to do something that would ease my mind a little bit and I feel a whole lot better now than I did a few hours ago. So I'm gonna share some tips on how to make yourself feel better/ brighten up your day.      Now with most people who're under lots of stress, it's easy for us to neglect pampering ourselves because "there's just not enough time". Me personally, I feel really guilty if I take time away from studying to do other things.  I typically use these few tips to

Talented People

     It's almost midnight  (no longer midnight since I'm posting this in the morning) where I'm at and all I want to do is sleep. But I can't, simply because there are things to do and I can't afford to sleep so early. Besides, I can go into deep hibernation once exams are over. I'm praying for the best. I've been feeling less than okay. Mainly because I think I'm not going to do well in my exams but that's really beside the point.      I've been noticing that the people I'm surrounded with or rather people I know in my life are pretty damn talented and damn. Insecurities are flaring up like an annoying rash. Talented people are really amazing in my eyes and there are plenty of them out there. I think the best part about talented people is their passion for it and you can plainly see it. It's a beautiful thing to see first hand. For example, those who love music tend to always be doing something with music like playing the guitar or s

Exam Stress and Facial Masks

     Aside from dealing with the stress of wanting to do well in exams. I've been pretty alright. It's a Friday night and while most students are partying their night away, I'm sitting at my desk with a sheet mask on my face. Fun fun. My books are right beside me and I'm doing everything in my power to not close them and head to bed. It's been one hell of a week and I'm still wondering where time went.      Anyway I did a little shopping today and got a whole lot worth of stuff for the money I spent. I swear there's something extremely satisfying about getting more for what you paid for.. Mainly, a nice handkerchief, 8 sheet masks, and a 3 little samples of facial products. I know I know, it's not a whole whole lot but what can you expect when you pay less than 50 bucks on masks? I'm on a student budget here so sue me.     If you ever want to invest in affordable facial masks that are made from natural ingredients then I'd highly suggest you

How to feel comfortable with yourself

    Truthfully, I've never been an achiever. I'm hardly what you call someone who has it all. I've never been the pretty one or the smart one, at least I've never heard that compliment till a couple of months ago. I'm not as outgoing as most people and it amazes me when I meet people who've achieved far more than I have. I'll admit, there are times when I feel small and insignificant compared to them. It's taking a while but I think I've found that little secret to being comfortable with yourself. I'll share it with you but first a little background about myself.      I'm not an overachiever, far from it. I'm not someone who scores A+'s and HDs (High Distinctions) regularly. I'm not athletic, neither am I extremely talented. I'm average and that can sometimes make you feel less than. Being average can be dull, you're good enough to do something decent but you don't necessary have that little something that makes you

I'm back!

    Contrary to popular belief, I'm not dead nor have I suffered from a concussion that altered my personality. I'm back and ready to start hopefully  committing to writing a blog again. I should probably address the big elephant in the room/post about why I decided to change blogs. Well, I wasn't exactly feeling the URL of my old blog anymore; I couldn't relate to it as much. So instead of changing it and leaving everyone hanging eventhough I sorta have been for a couple of months  I decided to keep the old blog, notify the old readers and move to this one. The old blog will be deleted since there's really nothing on there anymore and it'll be horrible of me to keep a URL that someone could use.      If you've been a long time reader of my old blogs then you remember how I designed my old blog. I left it pretty blank, mostly cause I never knew how to design it the way I wanted it to be and because I never had the time to focus on designing the blog. This